Despite the disappointing end to Concordes flying days, in terms of performance it continues to be the most advanced airliner ever built. The excitement of travelling from London to New York at twice the speed of sound is now an experience reserved for military pilots with plenty of fuel. However, thanks to the development team at Phoenix Simulation Software (PSS), you can operate a supersonic marvel in Flight Simulator 2004. Phoenix are the acknowledged experts on airliner expansion and Concorde Professional is the most advanced package they have ever put together.
To help you master Concorde Professional the package includes a comprehensive manual and a tutorial.
Features include
Fully animated parts including nose cone and nose visor; landing gear with compression and extension of main bogies, nose wheel steering, tail wheel and elevons; split rudder, passenger door, landing light pods, 3D engine fan blades, engine intake ramps and thrust reverser nozzles.
Accurate flight model with re-heat effect and an authentic version of Concorde's unique INS (Inertial Navigation System).
Four contemporary and classic British Airways and Air France liveries
Fully detailed virtual cockpit includes high-resolution gauges with reflective glass as well as animated control yokes, rudder pedals, throttle levers and engineers panel.
- High resolution gauges
- Animated control yokes
- Animated rudder pedals
- Animated throttle levers
- Engineers panel
- Reflective glass on gauges